Sebanyak 354 item atau buku ditemukan

Berbagai aspek pembangunan pedesaan

Evaluation of the implementation of rural development in Indonesia; papers.

Harus diakui banyak diantara mereka tidak tahu secara tepat apa yang harus
dikerjakan karena tidak tahu secara tepat apa yang harus dikerjakan karena
petunjuk-petunjuk dan aturan-aturan yang dikeluarkan Departemen Kehutanan ...

The economics of agricultural technology in semiarid Sub-Saharan Africa

Most researchers on agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa have become pessimistic about future potential after observing the decline of food output per capita over the past two decades. Although the authors of this study identify factors that have resulted in this stagnation, they also document technological successes and then develop a strategy for increasing the effectiveness of future research and development. This strategy is evaluated using field studies and modeling from the major agroecological zones of crop production. The authors address the higher-input, yield-increasing strategy from the perspective of risk, sustainability, and the impact on women. They also consider alternative approaches to increasing output through area expansion and livestock-crop integrated systems. The strategy emphasizes the combined effects of water availability, soil fertility, and new cultivars. It requires public support for adaptive research, higher input purchases by farmers, and increased foreign-exchange expenditures. However, there have already been successes with this strategy, and a more rapid adoption is expected to accelerate the growth of agricultural output and to increase the efficiency of agricultural research. The authors maintain that it is now appropriate to be more optimistic about the potential of Africa to feed itself and to maintain its resource base.

Most researchers on agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa have become pessimistic about future potential after observing the decline of food output per capita over the past two decades.

Agriculture Industry Linkages in the Economy of Uttar Pradesh

The study has come out with significant results like the sign of acceleration in the economy, increased level of inter-relationship between agriculture and industry, significant bearing of sectoral terms of trade on the pace of industrialization, etc. Based on the findings, a concrete policy measure has been suggested for improving the prospect of economic development. The book is useful for academicians, researchers, policy-makers, etc.

Sectoral Relationships in the Input-Output Framework In the earlier chapters we
have used various measures for exploring and estimating inter-sectoral
relationships between agriculture and industry in the economy of Uttar Pradesh.

The Economics of Tropical Farming Systems

Clear student text on theory and practice of economic decision making in tropical agriculture.

Two variable inputs Generally speaking, labour is not the only input which can be
varied. Where there are two or more variable inputs then substitution of one for
the other may be possible, and decisions must be taken on the appropriate ...

Tiga puluh enam kasus pemasaran asli Indonesia

Thirty six marketing cases in Indonesia; previously published in Swasembada.

Pengantar Kerangka kerja konseptual (conceptual framework) ini dapat
digunakan sebagai landasan untuk : 0 Memeriksa posisi bentuk perusahaan
dibanding situasi persaingan yang ada (competitiveaudit) O Menyusun strategi
bersaing ...

Penerbitan dan pemasaran buku di Malaysia

System of publishing and marketing of books in Malaysia.

Bharu), hanya Syarikat Muda Osman dan Badan Book Store sahaja yang
didapati ditempatkan pada lokasi yang strategik. Peletakan yang strategik itu
didasarkan kepada tiga ciri, iaitu terletak di bandar besar, di kawasan tumpuan
orang ...