Sebanyak 31 item atau buku ditemukan

Pemasaran Syariah Era Digital

Buku “Pemasaran Syariah Era Digital” ini memuat informasi tentang disiplin bisnis strategis yang mengarahkan proses penciptaan, penawaran, dan perubahan value dari suatu inisiator kepada stakeholders-nya, yang dalam keseluruhan proses sesuai dengan akad dan prinsip-prinsip muamalah dalam Islam. Buku ini mencoba mengungkapkan bagaimana mengemas model pemasaran yang menarik, saling menguntungkan, up to date, berdaya saing, sarat dengan nilai-nilai, revolusioner digital, era VUCA dan memiliki profitabilitas yang tinggi serta memberikan kecepatan, ketepatan dan kemudahan pelayanan serta kepuasan kepada pelanggan.

Buku “Pemasaran Syariah Era Digital” ini memuat informasi tentang disiplin bisnis strategis yang mengarahkan proses penciptaan, penawaran, dan perubahan value dari suatu inisiator kepada stakeholders-nya, yang dalam keseluruhan proses ...

Lembaga Keuangan Bank Dan Non Bank

Pembahasan dalam buku ini meliputi Sistem Keuangan Dan Lembaga Keuangan, Otoritas Moneter dan Kebijakan Moneter Di Indonesia, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), Pasar Modal, Pasar Uang dan Pasar Valuta Asing, Bank Umum dan Perkreditan Rakyat, Bank Syariah, Leasing (Sewa Guna Usaha), Pegadaian, Asuransi, Anjak Piutang, Modal Ventura, Kartu Kredit, Dana Pensiun dan Financial Technology.

Pembahasan dalam buku ini meliputi Sistem Keuangan Dan Lembaga Keuangan, Otoritas Moneter dan Kebijakan Moneter Di Indonesia, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS), Pasar Modal, Pasar Uang dan Pasar Valuta Asing, ...

Implementasi kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan

kemandirian guru dan kepala sekolah

Implementation of curriculum in national education of Indonesia.

3 . Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 5,5 3,3 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 4 , 4 , 4,4 / 4 . Bahasa Inggris 4,4 5,5 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 5 ... 2,2 2 , 2 / 3 , 3 , 3 , 2 * 12 , 2 , 2 , 2 * Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Pendidikan Agama 2 .

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia

dalam organisasi

Creating Customer Value

The Path to Sustainable Competitve Advantage

In this strategic, thought-provoking book, Naumann reveals that the key success factor for every business--manufacturing, service, or retail--is the ability to maximize customer value. An excellent resource for middle managers, senior managers, and trainers in any corporation whose goal is to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

With this book, Earl Naumann provides the first definitive source for the new business paradigm of customer value.

Bukan Muslimah Biasa; Kisah Inspiratif untuk Muslimah Tangguh

Buku ini dibuat untuk membangkitkan seManga, Manhua & Manhwat muslimah agar menjadi ‘fighter’ sejati di dunia rumah tangga. Bahkan dalam dunia rumah tangga, muslimah harus pintar dan tangguh. Bagaimana bisa menghasilkan anak-anak yang sholih dan handal kalau muslimah gagap mengaji dan masalah gizi. Bagaimana bisa mendorong suami menjadi sukses kalau muslimah selalu ‘baperan’ setiap hari. Secara keseluruhan, buku ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu mengapa mengupas tentang muslimah yang diberi judul tentang muslimah. Tentang muslimah mengupas 2 bab yaitu ibu rumah tangga dan soulmate. Kupasan yang kedua adalah gambaran tentang muslimah tangguh yang diberi judul kriteria tentang muslimah. Kriteria tentang muslimah dibagi menjadi 7 bab, yaitu akidah bersih dan benar, akhlak mulia, pantang menyerah, profesional, mandiri finansial, pintar dan sehat manfaat. Kupasan yang ketiga adalah bagaimana menjadi muslimah tangguh. Dalam buku ini, kupasan tersebut diberi judul menjadi muslimah sejati. Menjadi muslimah sejati dibagi menjadi 2 bab, yaitu focus dan berpikir positif. Penullis berharap dengan membaca buku ini, para muslimah bisa terbuka hati dan pikiran untuk menjadi lebih pintar, kreatif, kuat, dan nggak ‘baperan’.

Buku ini dibuat untuk membangkitkan seManga, Manhua & Manhwat muslimah agar menjadi ‘fighter’ sejati di dunia rumah tangga.

Interests, Ideas, and Deregulation

The Fate of Hospital Rate Setting

This work studies the effectiveness of hospital rate setting as a mechanism for cost containment and details the economic and political factors leading to its demise in three of the four states examined. John E. McDonough brings his prior experience as Chair of the Health Care and Insurance Committees for the Massachusetts House of Representatives as well as a methodologically sound presentation to this topic. McDonough's unique vantage point serves as a clear asset in dissecting the events and lending perspective to the policymaking process. Which matters more in crafting public policy--the blunt force of interest groups and lobbyists or the development of new ideas that make a difference? Are elected officials leaders or followers in promoting policy change? McDonough answers these questions in the context of the complex world of health care and uses the thirty-year history of hospital rate setting as an example. The states covered in this volume are Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Maryland. Characteristics of the subject states are provided in great detail along with case histories of rate setting in each. The book discusses the role of interest groups and policy ideas examining two rival models: The theory of economic regulation and the punctuated equilibrium model of policy change. Policymakers and administrators will be interested in how this work follows theory into practice and provides assistance in identifying obstacles in the creation and implementation of policy. Political scientists will be interested in its use of the punctuated equilibrium model of policy change, and economists concerned with the theory of economic regulation will be drawn to the discussion of it in the health care context. John E. McDonough is a Massachusetts State Representative, former Chair of the Health Care and Insurance Committees for that body, and Adjunct Professor of Health Policy, Boston University School of Medicine.

This work studies the effectiveness of hospital rate setting as a mechanism for cost containment and details the economic and political factors leading to its demise in three of the four states examined.

Climate Change and Tourism

From Policy to Practice

The contribution of tourism to climate change, and the likely consequences of climate change for key tourist destinations, has been well reported and discussed. Yet, there is a lack of evidence-based systematic practical advice as to how the tourism industry should respond to the challenge of climate change. Building on a sound conceptual understanding of the links between climate change and tourism, this book shows how the tourism sector might best respond. It not only focuses on the roles of supportive policies and institutions in ensuring a strong "enabling environment" for practical responses, but also on the practical responses themselves. This practical approach is presented through a large number of case studies and examples which illustrate how policy and industry initiatives have been implemented in tourism, and if or why they were successful. The majority of examples come from places such as the Caribbean, Spain, the Maldives, Nepal, and the UK, as well as Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the Pacific. The examples are presented within an overall framework that facilitates the translation of adaptation and mitigation policies into practice. This book offers the tourism industry, students and academics the opportunity to advance from the earlier, more conceptual texts on tourism and climate change by taking a much more practical approach. Its global coverage, through the use of international case studies, fosters a cross-fertilisation of ideas and initiatives. This text provides a detailed analysis of best practices in the face of climate change, across countries and geographically diverse tourist destinations and operations.

This text provides a detailed analysis of best practices in the face of climate change, across countries and geographically diverse tourist destinations and operations.