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Belajar Cepat Google Hacking

Pastikan ponsel yang digunakan terdapat web browser dan mendukung aplikasi
Java karena di sini akan dibahas penggunaan aplikasi Java yang telah
disediakan Google, yang memungkinkan akses transfer data yang lebih cepat
dari pada ...

Tutorial 5 Hari Belajar Hacking dari Nol

Contoh di bawah akan menghasilkan daftar URL yang mengandung kata java
dan programming. allinurl ini tidak dapat digabungkan dengan operator (perintah
) lain. Gunakan inurl untuk keperluan itu. allinurl:java programming. □ INURL: ...

Hacking Matter

Levitating Chairs, Quantum Mirages, And The Infinite Weirdness Of Programmable Atoms

Programmable matter is probably not the next technological revolution, nor even perhaps the one after that. But it's coming, and when it does, it will change our lives as much as any invention ever has. Imagine being able to program matter itself-to change it, with the click of a cursor, from hard to soft, from paper to stone, from fluorescent to super-reflective to invisible. Supported by organizations ranging from Levi Strauss and IBM to the Defense Department, solid-state physicists in renowned laboratories are working to make it a reality. In this dazzling investigation, Wil McCarthy visits the laboratories and talks with the researchers who are developing this extraordinary technology, describes how they are learning to control it, and tells us where all this will lead. The possibilities are truly astonishing.

Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Linux, Macintosh and Mobile Systems

The EC-Council | Press Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures Series is comprised of five books covering a broad base of topics in offensive network security, ethical hacking, and network defense and countermeasures. The content of this series is designed to immerse the reader into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure information systems. With the full series of books, the reader will gain in-depth knowledge and practical experience with essential security systems, and become prepared to succeed on the Certified Ethical Hacker, or C|EH, certification from EC-Council. This certification covers a plethora of offensive security topics ranging from how perimeter defenses work, to scanning and attacking simulated networks. A wide variety of tools, viruses, and malware is presented in this and the other four books, providing a complete understanding of the tactics and tools used by hackers. By gaining a thorough understanding of how hackers operate, an Ethical Hacker will be able to set up strong countermeasures and defensive systems to protect an organization’s critical infrastructure and information. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Hacking: The Next Generation

The Next Generation

With the advent of rich Internet applications, the explosion of social media, and the increased use of powerful cloud computing infrastructures, a new generation of attackers has added cunning new techniques to its arsenal. For anyone involved in defending an application or a network of systems, Hacking: The Next Generation is one of the few books to identify a variety of emerging attack vectors. You'll not only find valuable information on new hacks that attempt to exploit technical flaws, you'll also learn how attackers take advantage of individuals via social networking sites, and abuse vulnerabilities in wireless technologies and cloud infrastructures. Written by seasoned Internet security professionals, this book helps you understand the motives and psychology of hackers behind these attacks, enabling you to better prepare and defend against them. Learn how "inside out" techniques can poke holes into protected networks Understand the new wave of "blended threats" that take advantage of multiple application vulnerabilities to steal corporate data Recognize weaknesses in today's powerful cloud infrastructures and how they can be exploited Prevent attacks against the mobile workforce and their devices containing valuable data Be aware of attacks via social networking sites to obtain confidential information from executives and their assistants Get case studies that show how several layers of vulnerabilities can be used to compromise multinational corporations

The Art of Hacking

The world as it exists today is barely recognizable as the same world that existed on hundred, or even fifty, years ago. The last century has seen innovation after innovation reshape and revolutionize almost every aspect of human existence. Far from bringing us to an end point - a settled state in which no further innovation is possible - the rate of change has increased exponentially in recent decades. It seems that we a set firmly on a path of endless enhancement. This leads us to ask: where does innovation come from, and how does it happen? The answer, quite simply, is people. People have ideas. People strive to make their ideas a reality. Through this, people create change. We call these people hackers. A hack is a small change to the recognized way of doing things, which leads to a large-scale increase in efficiency, success, or achievement. Hackers break the rules and change the game. Hackers are the most important members of our society, of any society, as they hold the power to shape the future. This book celebrates the lives and achievements of some of history's greatest hackers: from Tim Berners-Lee to Jack Dorsey, from Leonardo da Vinci to Steve Jobs. Learn about who they were and how they functioned. Discover the characteristics that allow hackers to keep pushing forward, innovating, revolutionizing industries and changing the world.