Sebanyak 15 item atau buku ditemukan

Operation Research

Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan Optimal

Buku Operation Research: Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan Optimal disusun untuk memenuhi bahan bacaan dari mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi, Fakultas Manajemen dan Bisnis, terutama Program Studi Manajemen. Buku ini disajikan secara komprehensif, dengan memadukan konsep teoretik dan praktik pengambilan keputusan pada organisasi yang berorientasi laba maupun nirlaba. Materi dalam buku ini juga berisi contoh-contoh nyata di dunia bisnis sehingga dengan memakai konsep teoretik pemecahan masalah, kasus bisnis di dunia nyata dapat dipecahkan secara objektif dan optimal. Peralatan pemecahan disajikan dengan menggunakan tiga metode umum, yaitu metode pemecahan dengan memakai perangkat lunak siap pakai, memakai lembar kerja Excel disertai panduan membuat program pemecahan, dan metode manual (handmade solution). Dengan demikian, pebelajar dan pembaca dapat dengan mudah mengimplementasikannya dalam praktik, untuk memecahkan kasus nyata yang dihadapi sehari-hari.

Operations research (OR) memiliki berbagai penamaan, yaitu management science dan quantitative methods. Operations research merupakan sebutan yang dijumpai dalam literatur Amerika, sedangkan di Eropa pada umumnya dan Inggris pada ...

Buku Ajar Operation Research

Riset Operasional adalah suatu metode pengambilan keputusan yang dikembangkan dari studi operasi-operasi militer selama Perang Dunia II. Pada masa awal perang 1939, pemimpin militer Inggris memanggil sekelompok ahli sipil dari berbagai disiplin dan mengoordinasi mereka ke dalam suatu kelompok yang diserahi tugas mencari cara-cara yang efisien untuk menggunakan alat yang baru ditemukan yang dinamakan radar dalam suatu sistem peringatan dini menghadapi serangan udara. Definisi lain Riset Operasi adalah aplikasi metode ilmiah terhadap permasalahan yang kompleks dalam mengarahkan dan mengendalikan sistem yang luas mengenai kehidupan manusia, mesin-mesin, material dan uang dalam industri, bisnis, pemerintahan, dan pertahanan. Buku ini adalah serangkaian rangkuman dan tugas-tugas terstruktur dari pengalaman mengajar mata kuliah riset operasi dengan sesederhana mungkin memecahkan masalah riset menggunakan sofware/aplikasi POM-QM for windows versi 5.2 disertai contoh praktikumnya dengan pendekatan praktis dari pengaplikasian software tersebut.

Journal of Science and Research. Siagian, P. (1987). Penelitian Operasional, Teori dan Praktek. Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Indonesia. Singh. (2012). Optimizatins and Analysis of same variance through vogel's appromaximatte Methode.

Ship Operation Research and Development

A Program for Industry

PROPOSAL FOR A SHIP OPERATION RESEARCH CENTER The committee developed the outline of a structure for collaborative ship operation research from the information and analyses considered in the course of the study: a Ship Operation ...

Operation Research for Management

The field of operations management is increasingly recognised as being crucial to the success of a company.The premise of this book is that learning specific analytical techniques can provide a deeper understanding of the problems in operations management than merely reading about these problems.The book is concise while still providing a broad discussion of the issues and detalis to learn these valuable tools.The book of Operations Management features the latest concepts that has made this text a market leader.This approachable text supports students in applying concepts and methods by providing solved problems, examples, questions,practice problems and cases.

1 Operations Research : An Introduction Definition and Meaning Operations Research or Operational Research ( OR ) is an interdisciplinary branch of mathematics which uses methods like mathematical modeling , statistics , and algorithms ...

Operation Research

Inventory Control and Queuing Theory

The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the students will find no difficulty to understand it. The proof of various theorems and examples has been given with minute details. Each chapter of this book contains complete theory and fairly large number of solved examples, sufficient problems have also been selected from various universities examination papers. Contents: Inventory Control, Non-Linear Programming Methods, Problem Analysis, Queuing Theory.

... the functions are not separable directly but can be converted into separable by simple substitutions . For example , the function , Let Z = x , x , is not separable 124 Operation Research - Inventory Control and Queuing Theory.

Operation Research: Miscellaneous Topics

This book on Operation Research has been specially written to meet the requirements of the M.Sc. and M.B.A. students for all Universities. The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the students will find no difficulty to understand it. The proof of various theorems and examples has been given with minute details. Each chapter of this book contains complete theory and fairly large number of solved examples, sufficient problems have also been selected from various universities examination papers. Contents: Dynamics Programming, Convex Sets, Dual Simplex Method, Variation of Analysis Problems, Decision Theory, Trees, Games and Investment Analysis.

Preface This book on Operation Research has been specially written to meet the requirements of the M.Sc. , M.Com . and M.B.A. students for all Indian Universities . The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the ...

Operation Research: Theory Of Games And Travelling Root Problem

This book on Operation Research has been specially written to meet the requirements of the M.Sc., and M.B.A., students for all Indian Universities. Contents: Theory of Games, Information Theory, Introduction to Simplex Method, Travelling Root Problem, Classical Optimisation Methods.

... company B has only 3 available . The computer companies must decide upon how many salesmen to assign to sell computer to each bank . Thus company A can assign 4 salesmen to bank 1 and 44 Operation Research - Theory of Games and T.R.P..

Introductory Operation Research

This book on Operation Research has been specially written to meet the requirements of the M.Sc., M.Com and M.B.A. students. The subject matter has been discussed in such a simple way that the students will find no difficulty to understand it. The proof of various theorems and examples has been given with minute details. Each chapter of this book contains complete theory and fairly large number of solved examples, sufficient problems have also been selected from various universities examination papers. Contents: Introduction to Operation Research, Integer Programming, Dual Problem, Goal Programming, Sequencing Problem.

1948 , an operation research club was formed in England which later changed its name to the operational Research Society of UK . Its journal , operation research Quarterly , first appeared in 1950. The operations Research Society of ...

Optimization Techniques in Operation Research

Special features of the book 1. A very comprehensive and accessible approach in the presentation of the material. 2. A variety of solved examples to illustrate the theoretical results. 3. A large number of unsolved exercises for the students are given for practice at the end of each section. 4. Solution to each unsolved examples are given at the end of each exercise.

Special features of the book 1.