Sebanyak 66 item atau buku ditemukan

Manajemen pemasaran

studi kasus Indonesia

Marketing management; case study in Indonesia.

Marketing management; case study in Indonesia.

Marketing Management

Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control

Best-seller world-wide, the eighth edition of this classic text highlights the most recent trends and developments in global marketing. It emphasizes the importance of teamwork between marketing and all the other functions of the business; introduces new perspectives in successful strategic market planning; and presents additional company examples of creative, market- focused, and customer-driven action. Kotler underscores the importance of computers, telecommunications, and other new technologies in improving marketing planning, and performance.

Best-seller world-wide, the eighth edition of this classic text highlights the most recent trends and developments in global marketing.

Principles of Marketing

'Principles of Marketing' is organized around a customer-value and customer-relationship framework. Among the learning aids in the book are: concept previews; marketing stories; concept and key term reviews; discussions on applying concepts; exercises on using technology in marketing; and situations on ethics.

A comprehensive, classic principles text organized around an innovative customer-value framework. Students learn how to create customer value, target the correct market, and build customer relationships.

Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations

Provides a conceptual and practical foundation for strategic marketing in non-profit organizations, emphasizing strategic evaluations, positioning and market targeting. Checklists, case studies and sample materials are included. The new edition includes a chapter on strategy and social marketing.

Checklists, case studies and sample materials are included. The new edition includes a chapter on strategy and social marketing.

Tiga puluh enam kasus pemasaran asli Indonesia

Thirty six marketing cases in Indonesia; previously published in Swasembada.

Pengantar Kerangka kerja konseptual (conceptual framework) ini dapat
digunakan sebagai landasan untuk : 0 Memeriksa posisi bentuk perusahaan
dibanding situasi persaingan yang ada (competitiveaudit) O Menyusun strategi
bersaing ...

Memenangkan pemilu dengan pemasaran efektif

Political marketing used by political parties as strategy to win 2009 Indonesian general elections.

Perencanaan strategik menurut Kotler (1996) adalah proses manajerial untuk
mengembangkan dan mempertahankan kesesuaian terus-menerus antara
tujuan, keterampilan dan sumber daya organisasi dengan peluang pasar yang
terus ...

Rancangan Pemasaran yang Berjaya

PASARAN STRATEGIK SYARIKAT 20X8 Rajah 5.2 Pembentangan grajik bagi
pasaran strategik injap bebola Syarikat Pembuatan Kelengkapan Keterangan
yang dimasukkan oleh Syarikat Pembuatan Kelengkapan dalam rancangannya
di ...

Pasar Modal Syariah & Praktik pasar modal syariah