Sebanyak 148 item atau buku ditemukan

Resilient Computer System Design

This book presents a paradigm for designing new generation resilient and evolving computer systems, including their key concepts, elements of supportive theory, methods of analysis and synthesis of ICT with new properties of evolving functioning, as well as implementation schemes and their prototyping. The book explains why new ICT applications require a complete redesign of computer systems to address challenges of extreme reliability, high performance, and power efficiency. The authors present a comprehensive treatment for designing the next generation of computers, especially addressing safety critical, autonomous, real time, military, banking, and wearable health care systems.

It has been shown that for constant failure rate, independent of time, the
exponential distribution is the most suitable for the reliability analysis of the useful
time of systems. The age of a system should be taken into account when
analysing ...

Adobe Creative Suite 5 ACA Certification Preparation: Featuring Dreamweaver, Flash and Photoshop

Adobe Creative Suite 5 ACA Certification Preparation: Featuring Dreamweaver, Flash, and Photoshop, part of the Origins Series, provides complete coverage of the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) standards for the CS5 certification exams for Dreamweaver, Flash, and Photoshop and is also appropriate for use in a course where all three applications are covered. The skills-based, step-by-step approach of this text provides students with the base of knowledge they need to be successful with the software applications and prepares them to pass the ACA certification exams. End-of-lesson activities reinforce the skills and provide hands-on practice within each application. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Other uses for compositing images is to create a single panoramic image from
multiple images, or to combine multiple images of the same subject into one
image that brings the best elements from each individual element, color balance,

Forensic Digital Imaging and Photography

"This hands-on guide clarifies the difference between what can be done digitally and what should be done in a forensic setting, and helps the reader "learn by doing" with exercises and step-by-step instructions. The images and exercises in the CD-ROM provide practical examples of the techniques described in the book." "Law enforcement professionals who follow the recommendations in this text can feel confident that their handling of imaging evidence will stand up to the high standards necessary for prosecuting criminal cases."--BOOK JACKET.

... one, but getting used to it is easy and does not take too long. After a few days
your wrists will enjoy it more than you think. Intermediate storage devices (Zip
Drive) Understand that "intermediate" is just. DIGITAL IMAGING WORKSTATION

Global Environment and World Politics

Politically, the world is composed of states. Environmentally, the world is made up of ecosystems. This disconnection between ecological and political systems makes addressing environmental issues at the global level both more difficult and more necessary. This volume examines how we should set about addressing the problems that face the environment internationally. The field of international environmental politics draws on a variety of academic traditions. It uses international relations theory to look at the concerns and actions of states; but it also uses variety of new perspectives to explain issues that are unique to the study of the environment. Elizabeth DeSombre explores four important approaches to the field: international environmental cooperation; the relationship between the environment and security; the issues of science, uncertainty and risk; and the role of non-state actors. She explores these approaches with the help of case studies on specific problems facing the global environment, focasing in particular on ozone depletion and global climate change; the politics of whaling; the protection of Amazonian biodiversity; and acid rain in Europe and North America.

This volume examines how we should set about addressing the problems that face the environment internationally. The field of international environmental politics draws on a variety of academic traditions.

Princess in Disguise

A Tale of the Wide-Awake Princess

With the help of family and friends, Annie and Liam's wedding day looks as if it's going to be perfect until everything starts to go wrong. Liam's father doesn't show up, nor do the magic-wielding guests. Members of the wedding party come down with strange afflictions, Annie's gown is ruined, a storm floods the castle grounds, and an unknown king lays seige to the castle. Queen Karolina decides that they need the help of her fairy godmother, Moonbeam, but a pea-soup fog keeps the messengers from leaving. Only Annie and Liam can get past the magical fog to find Moonbeam, but even after they find her, it's up to them to discover who cast the spells that ruined the wedding, and why the unknown king wants to conquer Treecrest.

With the help of family and friends, Annie and Liam's wedding day looks as if it's going to be perfect until everything starts to go wrong.

Failed States and Institutional Decay

Understanding Instability and Poverty in the Developing World

What do we mean by failed states and why is this concept important to study? The failed states?? literature is important because it aims to understand how state institutions (or lack thereof) impact conflict, crime, coups, terrorism and economic performance. In spite of this objective, the failed state?? literature has not focused enough on how institutions operate in the developing world. This book unpacks the state, by examining the administrative, security, judicial and political institutions separately. By doing so, the book offers a more comprehensive and clear picture of how the state functions or does not function in the developing world, merging the failed state and institutionalist literatures. Rather than merely describing states in crisis, this book explains how and why different types of institutions deteriorate. Moreover, the book illustrates the impact that institutional decay has on political instability and poverty using examples not only from Africa but from all around the world.

This book unpacks the state, by examining the administrative, security, judicial and political institutions separately.

Sacrifice Imagined

Violence, Atonement, and the Sacred

Sacrifice Imagined is an original exploration of the idea of sacrifice by one of the worlds preeminent philosophers of religion. Despisers of religion have poured scorn upon the idea of sacrifice as an index of the irrational and wicked in religious practice. Nor does its secularised form seem much more appealing. One need only think of the appalling cult of sacrifice in numerous totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century. Yet sacrifice remains a part of our cultural and intellectual imaginary. Hedley proposes good reasons to think that issues of global conflict and the ecological crisis highlight the continuing relevance of the topic of sacrifice for contemporary culture. The subject of sacrifice has been decisively influenced by two books: Girards The Violence and the Sacred and Burkerts Homo Necans. Both of these are theories of sacrifice as violence. Hedleys book challenges both of these highly influential theories and presents a theory of sacrifice as renunciation of the will. His guiding influences in this are the much misunderstood Joseph de Maistre and the Cambridge Platonists.

Hedleys book challenges both of these highly influential theories and presents a theory of sacrifice as renunciation of the will. His guiding influences in this are the much misunderstood Joseph de Maistre and the Cambridge Platonists.

Buku Pintar Pajak E-Commerce

Berkembangnya internet memunculkan industri baru yang disebut electronic commerce (e-commerce). Di lain sisi, e-commerce menimbulkan masalah dari aspek perpajakan. Apa saja yang dapat dikategorikan e-commerce? Apakah e-commerce ini dikenakan pajak? Siapa sajakah yang terkena pajak e-commerce? Pajak apa saja yang dikenakan terhadap transaksi e-commerce? Bagaimanakah perhitungan pajak e-commerce? Apakah cara melapor dan membayar pajak e-commerce sama dengan pajak bukan e-commerce? Indonesia menerapkan sistem self-assessment, yakni Wajib Pajak diberi kepercayaan untuk menghitung, menyetor, dan melaporkan pajaknya sendiri. Hal ini juga berlaku terhadap pajak e-commerce. Namun dari sisi yuridis, pajak mengandung unsur pemaksaan. Jika kewajiban perpajakan tidak dilaksanakan, akan ada sanksi yang dikenakan. Bahkan ada sanksi yang dikenakan sampai enam tahun pidana penjara, sehingga penting bagi Wajib Pajak memahami sanksi-sanksi perpajakan untuk mengetahui konsekuensi hukum yang mungkin dihadapinya. Buku ini membahas tuntas aspek perpajakan pada e-commerce. Mulai dari dampak perpajakan dari transaksi e-commerce, perundang-undangan atas perpajakan e-commerce, sampai sanksi jika tidak memenuhi kewajiban pajak. Menjadi lebih lengkap karena disertai dengan contoh kasus dan pembahasannya, di antaranya mengenai online marketplace, classified ads, daily deals, dan online retail. Buku ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi para praktisi, akademisi, dan pelaku usaha e-commerce, terutama dalam hubungannya dengan perpajakan. Pahami kewajiban dan hindari sanksi pajak e-commerce Anda! -VisiMedia-

Berkembangnya internet memunculkan industri baru yang disebut electronic commerce (e-commerce).

Information Sources on Islamic Banking and Economics


Islamic banking and economics (IBE) is a fast-growing subject of vital interest in both East and West as Muslims change their attitudes towards investments and find ways to invest their funds according to the Islamic faith. Along with the rapid developments in Islamic banking there has been a concomitant increase in the quantity of relevant IBE material generated. Since IBE is a highly specialized cross-disciplinary field involving economics, business, marketing, religion, philosophy and culture, it is difficult for researchers to locate and obtain information without having to go through several secondary sources such as indexing and abstracting services. In this electronic age, it is essential for researchers to be aware of the various forms of information available for consultation. Yet, until now, the few previous works on IBE information sources have been limited to the coverage of materials available during the early 1980s, before the most recent period of expansion, and in addition the materials cited were often unpublished and therefore unobtainable. In answer to a long-felt need, "Information Sources on Islamic Banking and Economics" provides a detailed bibliography of IBE sources concentrating on the period 1980-1990 with some data from 1991 and 1992, and with the additional unique feature of setting out, for the first time, the information infrastructure of the IBE discipline. A comprehensive author index and a keyword subject index for important terms are provided, and only published - and therefore easily obtainable - items have been included. This book is essential reading for all researchers, economists, bankers and others who need information on the increasingly important field of Islamic banking and economics, and related areas.