Sebanyak 13 item atau buku ditemukan

Statistik Penelitian Pendidikan

Strategi Pemasaran prinsip & penerapan

Intelligent Data Mining

Techniques and Applications

"Intelligent Data Mining – Techniques and Applications" is an organized edited collection of contributed chapters covering basic knowledge for intelligent systems and data mining, applications in economic and management, industrial engineering and other related industrial applications. The main objective of this book is to gather a number of peer-reviewed high quality contributions in the relevant topic areas. The focus is especially on those chapters that provide theoretical/analytical solutions to the problems of real interest in intelligent techniques possibly combined with other traditional tools, for data mining and the corresponding applications to engineers and managers of different industrial sectors. Academic and applied researchers and research students working on data mining can also directly benefit from this book.

The main objective of this book is to gather a number of peer-reviewed high quality contributions in the relevant topic areas.

Manajemen Sekolah Efektif

Pengalaman Sekolah Sukma Bangsa

Sekolah Sukma Bangsa (SSB) yang dibangun untuk anak-anak korban bencana tsunami 2004 di Aceh merupakan salah satu wujud sumbangsih anak bangsa untuk saudara-saudara mereka yang terkena bencana. Dengan visi dan misi yang jelas dan terukur sedari awal, Sekolah Sukma Bangsa tumbuh menjadi sekolah bermutu yang perlahan namun pasti menjelma menjadi sekolah yang membentuk sikap-budaya nilai-nilai luhur. Buku Manajemen Sekolah Efektif ini merangkum bukan saja konsep-konsep dan teori dalam mengelola sekolah secara efektif, tetapi juga beragam pengalaman terbaik (best practice) Sekolah Sukma Bangsa dalam melaksanakannya. Sederet hal penting dibahas di sini, mulai dari strategi menciptakan visi, misi dan budaya sekolah, membangun sistem dan tim kerja, supervisi sekolah, hingga evaluasi manajemen dalam pengelolaan sekolah yang efektif. Cuplikan-cuplikan kisah pengalaman Sekolah Sukma Bangsa dan berbagai contoh formulir atau proposal serta dokumen penting statuta sekolah yang dilampirkan di bagian akhir membuat buku ini menjadi penting bagi siapa saja yang peduli pada mutu pendidikan secara umum di negeri ini.

Penempatan ruang kesenian, ruang musik, aula serbaguna, dan perpustakaan
merupakan inti dari gedung serbaguna, dengan tambahan fasilitas ruang klinik,
dapur, toko/koperasi, dan kantin. Perubahan fungsi hanya diberlakukan terhadap

Limbah Kimia dalam Pencemaran Udara dan Air

Probabilistic Reliability Engineering

With the growing complexity of engineered systems, reliability has increased in importance throughout the twentieth century. Initially developed to meet practical needs, reliability theory has become an applied mathematical discipline that permits a priori evaluations of various reliability indices at the design stages. These evaluations help engineers choose an optimal system structure, improve methods of maintenance, and estimate the reliability on the basis of special testing. Probabilistic Reliability Engineering focuses on the creation of mathematical models for solving problems of system design. Broad and authoritative in its content, Probabilistic Reliability Engineering covers all mathematical models associated with probabilistic methods of reliability analysis, including––unique to this book––maintenance and cost analysis, as well as many new results of probabilistic testing. To provide readers with all necessary background material, this text incorporates a thorough review of the fundamentals of probability theory and the theory of stochastic processes. It offers clear and detailed treatment of reliability indices, the structure function, load–strength reliability models, distributions with monotone intensity functions, repairable systems, the Markov models, analysis of performance effectiveness, two–pole networks, optimal redundancy, optimal technical diagnosis, and heuristic methods in reliability. Throughout the text, an abundance of real world examples and case studies illustrate and illuminate the theoretical points under consideration. For engineers in design, operations research, and maintenance, as well as cost analysts and R&D managers, Probabilistic Reliability Engineering offers the most lucid, comprehensive treatment of the subject available anywhere. About the editor JAMES A. FALK is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Operations Research at George Washington University. In addition to his numerous publications, Dr. Falk has lectured internationally as a Fulbright Lecturer. Of related interest... The reliability–testing "bible" for three generations of Eastern European scientists, adapted for Western scientists and engineers... HANDBOOK OF RELIABILITY ENGINEERING Originally published in the USSR, Handbook of Reliability Engineering set the standard for the reliability testing of technical systems for nearly three generations of applied scientists and engineers. Authored by a group of prominent Soviet specialists in reliability, it provides professionals and students with a comprehensive reference covering mathematical formulas and techniques for incorporating reliability into engineering designs and testing procedures. Divided into twenty–four self–contained chapters, the Handbook details reliability fundamentals, examines common reliability problems and solutions, provides a collection of computation formulas, and illustrates practical applications. The Handbook′s Russian editor and internationally recognized expert Igor A. Ushakov has joined with American engineering professionals to bring this indispensable resource to English–speaking engineers and scientists. 1994 (0–471–57173–3) 663 pp.

For over 25 years we have been running the Moscow Consulting Center of
UeliaUily and (Jualtly Lotllfol Wliicli serves industrial engineers all over the
country. We had a chance to obtain knowledge of new ideas and new methods
from a tide ...

Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform

An In-depth, Scenario-driven Approach to Architecting Systems Using Microsoft Technologies

An in-depth scenario-driven approach to architecting systems using Microsoft technologies with this book and eBook.

An in-depth scenario-driven approach to architecting systems using Microsoft technologies with this book and eBook.