Sebanyak 130 item atau buku ditemukan

Kebijakan kredit perbankan yang berwawasan lingkungan

Bank loan policies with respect to requirements to protect the environment.

pemanfaatan, pengembangan, pemeliharaan, pemulihan pengawasan, dan
pengendalian lingkungan hidup; 3. Pembangunan berkelanjutan yang
berwawasan lingkungan hidup adalah upaya sadar dan terencana, yang
memadukan ...

70 Motivasi Kehidupan

A) Kejayaan B) Kasih sayang C) Kesihatan Pilih SATU daripada perkara di atas dan pilihan itu bakal menentukan masa depan anda! Sukar, bukan? Hakikatnya, hidup tanpa kejayaan samalah seperti hidup tanpa arah tujuan. Hidup tanpa kasih sayang umpama hidup tiada makna. Namun, sejauh manakah makna kehidupan itu andai masalah kesihatan jadi penghalang? Menyedari betapa besarnya makna kehidupan, maka buku 70 MOTIVASI KEHIDUPAN ini dihasilkan. Bukan untuk memberi kesempurnaan hidup, tetapi sebagai salah satu ‘tiang’ untuk berpaut setiap kali kita hampir tersungkur.

Hidup tanpa kasih sayang umpama hidup tiada makna. Namun, sejauh manakah makna kehidupan itu andai masalah kesihatan jadi penghalang? Menyedari betapa besarnya makna kehidupan, maka buku 70 MOTIVASI KEHIDUPAN ini dihasilkan.

Membongkar jaringan teroris

To reveal terrorism and terrorist network from Islamic perspective in Indonesia.

To reveal terrorism and terrorist network from Islamic perspective in Indonesia.

Polylactic Acid

PLA Biopolymer Technology and Applications

Polylactic Acid (PLA) is the first viable thermoplastic that can be produced from a plant-based feedstock such as corn or sugar cane, and yet be processed by the conventional melt processing technologies. At the same time, Polylactic Acid is produced at the largest industrial scale of all biodegradable polymers. It is being used in biomedical applications, for bottle production and in compostable food packaging. It is also being evaluated as a material for tissue engineering. Mass production has tremendously reduced the cost of PLA production, making it an economically viable choice for fabrication of domestic containers, plastic bags, and fibers. Commercial-scale plants today produce hundreds of thousand tons of PLA per year. This book provides a practical guide for the engineers and scientists involved in working with PLA and developing the many new products that are emerging for this important biopolymer. The current market situation for PLA and biodegradable polymers is described as well as applications across a range of market sectors, and the mechanical, chemical, thermal, rheology, and degradation properties of PLA. An essential reference for engineers, scientists and product designers considering switching to a sustainable plastic. Covers the properties, synthesis and polymerization of PLA, and processing techniques involved in fabricating parts from this polymer.

This book provides a practical guide for the engineers and scientists involved in working with PLA and developing the many new products that are emerging for this important biopolymer.

RESTful Web Services Cookbook

Provides information on designing RESTful Web services for client and server applications, covering such topics as Web linking, content negotiation, Web caching, queries, security, and compatibility.

Provides information on designing RESTful Web services for client and server applications, covering such topics as Web linking, content negotiation, Web caching, queries, security, and compatibility.

Panduan Akuntansi & Perpajakan

Study on role of social capital in the interaction of research collaboration between higher education, government, and industry; case study in Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

... 10.425 8.421 9.741 10.175 12.691 11.750 14.478 9.810 8.697 14.925 8.547
11.405 131.065 Biaya-biaya Biaya sewa ... 41.238 31.398 46.383 49.766 52.272
52.437 52.973 53.535 Itulah 3 laporan keuangan dalam periode 1 tahun yang ...