Sebanyak 15 item atau buku ditemukan

Pengadilan HAM (AD HOC)

Telaah Kelembagaan dan Kebijakan Hukum

Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc dibentuk berdasarkan kebijakan legislatif yang termuat dalam Undang-Undang RI Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia. Ad Hoc Ketentuan dalam undang-undang ini yang mengamanatkan pembentukannya terdapat dalam Pasal 43 dan Pasal 44. Pasal 43 menyatakan bahwa pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang berat yang terjadi sebelum diundangkannya UU No. 26 Tahun 2000, diperiksa dan diputuskan oleh Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc (ayat (1)). Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc dibentuk atas usul Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia berdasarkan peristiwa tertentu dengan Keputusan Presiden (ayat (2)). Selanjutnya dinyatakan bahwa Pengadilan HAM yang dibentuk berada di lingkungan Peradilan Umum (ayat (3)). Adapun dalam Pasal 44 dinyatakan bahwa pemeriksaan di Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc dan upaya hukumnya dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam undang-undang ini (UU No. 26 Tahun 2000). Buku ini menuangkan pemikiran penulis tentang aspek kelembagaan dan kebijakan hukum dari Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia. Kebijakan yang termuat dalam Undang-Undang RI Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia telah mengakomodasikan keberlakuan hukum pidana yang bersifat retroaktif. Suatu asas yang dalam dunia hukum pidana menimbulkan banyak perdebatan. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk mengupas persoalan-persoalan kelembagaan dan kebijakan pada pengadilan hak asasi manusia tersebut.

Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc dibentuk berdasarkan kebijakan legislatif yang termuat dalam Undang-Undang RI Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia.

Data Mining

Theory, Methodology, Techniques, and Applications

This volume provides a snapshot of the current state of the art in data mining, presenting it both in terms of technical developments and industrial applications. The collection of chapters is based on works presented at the Australasian Data Mining conferences and industrial forums. Authors include some of Australia's leading researchers and practitioners in data mining. The volume also contains chapters by regional and international authors.

This volume provides a snapshot of the current state of the art in data mining, presenting it both in terms of technical developments and industrial applications.

Advances on Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects

11th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2011, New York, NY, USA, August 30 – September 3, 2011, Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th Industrial Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2011, held in New York, USA in September 2011. The 22 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on data mining in medicine and agriculture, data mining in marketing, data mining for Industrial processes and in telecommunication, Multimedia Data Mining, theoretical aspects of data mining, Data Warehousing, WebMining and Information Mining.

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th Industrial Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2011, held in New York, USA in September 2011.

Jurus bisnis rakyat

12 jawara usaha kecil

Data Mining

Theory, Methodology, Techniques, and Applications

This volume provides a snapshot of the current state of the art in data mining, presenting it both in terms of technical developments and industrial applications. The collection of chapters is based on works presented at the Australasian Data Mining conferences and industrial forums. Authors include some of Australia's leading researchers and practitioners in data mining. The volume also contains chapters by regional and international authors.

This volume provides a snapshot of the current state of the art in data mining, presenting it both in terms of technical developments and industrial applications.

Liberalisasi Perbankan Indonesia : Suatu Telaah Ekonomi Politik

Kamus Blagar-Indonesia-Inggris: Blagar-Indonesian-English dictionary

Kamus tribahasa ini memperkenalkan bahasa Blagar, salah satu bahasa “non-Austronesia” yang termasuk rumpun bahasa Timor-Alor-Pantar. Bahasa Blagar ini sebenarnya merupakan suatu kelompok “dialek” yang kini jumlah penuturnya tidak melebihi 10.000 penutur. Dasar kamus ini adalah varietas bahasa Blagar yang digunakan di Pulau Pura, di antara Pulau Alor dan Pantar, khususnya dialek Pura Barat-Daya. Penyusun kamus, Hendrik D.R. Gomang, adalah penutur dialek tersebut dan pemuka masyarakat Pura, sedangkan Hein Steinhauer adalah peneliti ahli dari proyek ILDEP (Indonesian Linguistics Development Project) yang pernah lama ditempatkan di Pusat Bahasa (kini Badan Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa) di Jakarta dan pensiunan dosen pensiunan dosen serta guru besar bahasa (di) Indonesia pada Universitas Leiden dan Universitas Radboud Nijmegen di Belanda.

Ref: 123; 456 hrf: Morf: Pola: Ref: Ref: 234 Ref: p234 Ref: S&ST Ref: T&H123 Sin:
Var: → pqr ← xyz (Abc) duanama ilmiah (bahasa Latin) untuk satu nama
binatangatautanaman dalam bahasa Blagar, masing-masing dengan
referensinya ...

The Perspective of the Acting Person

Essays in the Renewal of Thomistic Moral Philosophy

The Perspective of the Acting Person introduces readers to one of the most important and provocative thinkers in contemporary moral philosophy

In Decem libros Ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nicomachum expositio (In I Ethic.—
Commentary on the First Book of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics) In de Anima In
Aristotelis librum de Anima commentarium Super Ioannem Super Evangelium S.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Guerrilla Marketing

With the sky-high price of advertising and direct marketing, only Fortune 500 companies can afford to promote their products and services through traditional channels. Add to this problem the greening, graying, and huge youth markets that have learned to turn off Madison Avenue-style promotions, and the vast majority of small to mid-sized companies, entrepreneurs, and overworked marketing staffs are challenged to expand their customer base in other ways. That's why "guerrilla," aka "unconventional marketing," was born. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Guerrilla Marketing, written by marketing experts Susan Drake and Colleen Wells, presents a detailed blueprint of the dozens of new and exciting methods available-methods that save money and get new customers.

Stealth marketing, often called undercover marketing or roach bait marketing, is a
technique in which buying decisions are influenced by the use of subterfuge. The
idea behind this strategy is to create buzz about a specific product using paid ...