Sebanyak 21 item atau buku ditemukan

Sekilas Tentang Bahasa Indonesia (revisi)

Secara ringkas buku ini membahas mengenai kebijakan dan perencanaan bahasa, politik bahasa Indonesia. Di dalamnya juga membahas mengenai pedoman kaidah, tata tulis ilmiah dalam berbagai selingkung. Selain itu, juga turut disinggung mengenai pembelajaran sastra (fiksi, puisi, dan drama) serta dibumbui dengan pedoman penerjeman, baik ideologi, teknik-metode, sampai evaluasi terjemahan. Terakhir, dibahas pula mengenai BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing).

Secara ringkas buku ini membahas mengenai kebijakan dan perencanaan bahasa, politik bahasa Indonesia.

Lembaga-lembaga keuangan dan bank

perkembangan, teori, dan kebijakan

Banks, and financial institutions, with reference to Indonesia.

Banks, and financial institutions, with reference to Indonesia.


Sebuah buku ajar mata kuliah Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi yang ditulis oleh dosen-dosen dari berbagai kampus anggota Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN). Buku ini memuat 14 bab pembelajaran psikologi industri dan organisasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan ajar di kelas, di mana dalam setiap bab selalu dilengkapi dengan obyektif (tujuan pembelajaran) dan bahan evaluasi. Saya yakin, buku ini akan menjadi sumber daya yang berharga bagi para pengajar di perguruan tinggi.

Sebuah buku ajar mata kuliah Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi yang ditulis oleh dosen-dosen dari berbagai kampus anggota Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN).

Statistical Data Analysis Based on the L B1 S-norm and Related Methods

This volume contains a selection of invited papers, presented to the fourth International Conference on Statistical Data Analysis Based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods, held in NeuchA[tel, Switzerland, from August 4a "9, 2002. The contributions represent a clear evidence to the importance of development of theory, methods and applications related to the statistical data analysis based on the L1-norm.

The purpose of this work is to provide a new definition for mul- tivariate M-
quantiles. We illustrate by a series of examples, that our new definition of
multivariate M-quantiles satisfies a number of useful practical requirements in a
wide variety of ...

Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change

This updated and expanded second edition of a much lauded work provides a current overview of the impacts of climate change on tropical forests. The authors also investigate past, present and future climatic influences on the ecosystems with the highest biodiversity on the planet. Tropical Rainforest Responses to Climatic Change, Second Edition, looks at how tropical rain forest ecology is altered by climate change, rather than simply seeing how plant communities were altered. Shifting the emphasis on to ecological processes, e.g. how diversity is structured by climate and the subsequent impact on tropical forest ecology, provides the reader with a more comprehensive coverage. A major theme of the book is the interaction between humans, climate and forest ecology. The authors, all foremost experts in their fields, explore the long term occupation of tropical systems, the influence of fire and the future climatic effects of deforestation, together with anthropogenic emissions. Incorporating modelling of past and future systems paves the way for a discussion of conservation from a climatic perspective, rather than the usual plea to stop logging. This second edition provides an updated text in this rapidly evolving field. The existing chapters are revised and updated and two entirely new chapters deal with Central America and the effect of fire on wet forest systems. In the first new chapter, the paleoclimate and ecological record from Central America (Lozano, Correa, Bush) is discussed, while the other deals with the impact of fire on tropical ecosystems. It is hoped that Jonathon Overpeck, who has been centrally involved in the 2007 and 2010 IPCC reports, will provide a Foreword to the book.

Nowhere in the world is that need so serious as in the tropics, where
deforestation and extinction are at their most rapid, biodiversity greatest, and
human lifestyles at their most precarious. We therefore hope and believe that this
book will be timely and useful, as it attempts to describe and explain in scientific
terms the past, present, and future changes in Earth's most complex terrestrial
ecosystem, the Tropical Rain Forest. The project grew from a discussion between
Clive Horwood of ...

Kamus istilah pariwisata & perhotelan

English-Indonesian dictionary of tourism and hotel terms.

Dalam penataan ruangan ada beberapa macam bentuk tata ruang, yaitu:
Classroom: tiga atau empat kursi di belakang meja Theatre style: kursi saja,
tanpa meja U-shape: Meja berbentuk U dengan kursi di belakangnya Hollow
Square: Tata meja berbentuk kotak dengan ruang kosong (lubang) di tengahnya
Round: Meja bundar dengan kursi melingkar Chevron: meja (classroom style)
atau kursi (theatre style) yang ditata berbentuk V. Conference: Satu meja besar
dengan banyak ...