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Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach

Ethical decisions do not take place in a vacuum, and many people, faced with their own interests and standards, need reliable guidelines to address the moral implications of business decisions. With a unique, highly practical approach to teaching business ethics, this text focuses on the relationships among various stakeholders, including individuals, groups, corporations, and even nations. The new fifth edition includes the latest research, current cases, and practical examples to help students examine the role of ethics in today's business world, from the boardroom to the classroom. Updates also include the addition of new, real-world ethical dilemmas presenting actual encounters by managers and students; an easy, step-by-step guide to implement a stakeholder analysis; tips to help students apply ethical principles in their personal and professional lives; and comprehensive coverage of employee workplace issues and highly relevant topics such as risk management, preferential hiring, corporate legitimacy, and moral accountability. The text also explores today's increasingly interconnected global business environment with coverage of multinational corporations and important issues such as the digital divide, bribery, corruption, human rights, and the environment. This text gives students the practical tools they need to handle complex moral dilemmas in the workplace and the world. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This text gives students the practical tools they need to handle complex moral dilemmas in the workplace and the world.

Business Ethics, Seventh Edition

A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach

The seventh edition of this pragmatic guide to determining right and wrong in the workplace is updated with new case studies, exercises, and ancillary materials. Joseph Weiss's Business Ethics is a pragmatic, hands-on guide for determining right and wrong in the business world. To be socially responsible and ethical, Weiss maintains, businesses must acknowledge the impact their decisions can have on the world beyond their walls. An advantage of the book is the integration of a stakeholder perspective with an issues and crisis management approach so students can look at how a business's actions affect not just share price and profit but the well-being of employees, customers, suppliers, the local community, the larger society, other nations, and the environment. Weiss includes twenty-three cases that immerse students directly in contemporary ethical dilemmas. Eight new cases in this edition include Facebook's (mis)use of customer data, the impact of COVID-19 on higher education, the opioid epidemic, the rise of Uber, the rapid growth of AI, safety concerns over the Boeing 737, the Wells Fargo false saving accounts scandal, and plastics being dumped into the ocean. Several chapters feature a unique point/counterpoint exercise that challenges students to argue both sides of a heated ethical issue. This edition has eleven new point/counterpoint exercises, addressing questions like, Should tech giants be broken apart? What is the line between free speech and dangerous disinformation? Has the Me Too movement gone too far? As with previous editions, the seventh edition features a complete set of ancillary materials for instructors: teaching guides, test banks, and PowerPoint presentations.

The seventh edition of this pragmatic guide to determining right and wrong in the workplace is updated with new case studies, exercises, and ancillary materials.

Business Ethics

Methods and Application

Ethical aspects of business and the economy are of increasing concern in business practice, higher education, and society in general. This concern results from significant business scandals and economic crises, such as the financial crisis of 2008 and the following great recession, as well as from pressing current and future challenges for the economy, such as sustainability and globalization. As a result, there is a growing demand for normative analysis and orientation for business and the economy, where business ethics has become a crucial part of organizational management, risk management, branding, and strategic management. Business Ethics: Methods and Application provides a new systematic approach to normative business ethics that covers the complex and various ethical challenges of modern business. It aims to train analytical thinking skills in the field of business ethics and to approach ethical issues in business in a rational and systematic way. The book develops a number of specific methods for business ethics analysis that are tailored for ethical decision-making in business and for analyzing complex ethical topics in business. The book discusses fundamental ethical questions regarding the meaning of business and the economy for the individual person, society, the environment, and people around the world. As a result, Business Ethics: Methods and Application develops normative guidelines for business in the 21st century and its fundamental challenges and will be key reading for undergraduate, postgraduate, and MBA students of business ethics, business strategy, business and society, and related fields.

The book develops a number of specific methods for business ethics analysis that are tailored for ethical decision-making in business and for analyzing complex ethical topics in business.

Hukum Bisnis

Buku ini hadir untuk membantu para mahasiswa dalam memahami ruang lingkup hukum bisnis. Pembahasan yang ada dalam buku ini disajikan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sangat sederhana dan mudah dipahami, sehingga akan membantu para mahasiswa dalam mempelajarinya secara lebih cepat, mudah, dan praktis. Buku ini memuat topik-topik mengenai: BAB 1 Pengantar Ilmu Hukum BAB 2 Hukum Benda BAB 3 Hukum Perjanjian dan Perikatan BAB 4 Bentuk-Bentuk Perusahaan BAB 5 Perseroan Terbatas BAB 6 Hukum Kepailitan BAB 7 Kredit dan Hukum Perjanjian Jaminan BAB 8 Hukum Pasar Modal BAB 9 Hukum Asuransi BAB 10 Hukum Anti Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha BAB 11 Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis BAB 12 Hak Kekayaan Intelektual BAB 13 Hukum Pajak dalam Bisnis BAB 14 Sewa Guna Usaha BAB 15 Anjak Piutang BAB 16 Modal Ventura

Buku ini hadir untuk membantu para mahasiswa dalam memahami ruang lingkup hukum bisnis.


Buku ini merupakan hasil karya yang dapat dijadikan sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa sebagai dasar dalam melakukan pembelajaran. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang akademisi sehingga menjadi buku yang signifikan. Untuk memudahkan pembaca dalam memahaminya, penulis menyusun buku ini dalam beberapa bagian bab.

Buku ini merupakan hasil karya yang dapat dijadikan sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa sebagai dasar dalam melakukan pembelajaran.

Kajian Teori Organisasi Dan Birokrasi Dalam Pelayanan Publik

Buku yang berjudul Kajian Teori Organisasi dan Birokrasi dalam Pelayanan Publik ini merupakan karya penulis dalam menyingkap makna dari teori itu sendiri, Organisasi Publik, Organisasi Bisnis, Perubahan Lingkungan Organisasi Publik, Ruang Lingkup Organisasi Publik, Kebijakan Publik, Komunikasi Organisasi Publik, Pengembangan Kompetensi SDM, Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan SDM, Kepemimpinan Organisasi Publik, Birokrasi, Budaya Organisasi Publik, Pelayanan Publik, dikaji secara mendalam dari berbagai aspek dan permasalahannya. Buku ini diharapkan menjadi kajian komprehensif tetapi sangat praktis bagi siapa saja yang ingin menyelami dalamnya Ilmu Administrasi Publik yang tiada henti untuk membahasnya selagi manusia masih mempunyai keinginan untuk melakukan pengkajian ilmu pengetahuan sebagai kebutuhan hidup di muka bumi ini. Kajian Teori Organisasi Dan Birokrasi Dalam Pelayanan Publik ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Deepublish dan tersedia juga dalam versi cetak.

Buku yang berjudul Kajian Teori Organisasi dan Birokrasi dalam Pelayanan Publik ini merupakan karya penulis dalam menyingkap makna dari teori itu sendiri, Organisasi Publik, Organisasi Bisnis, Perubahan Lingkungan Organisasi Publik, Ruang ...

Konsep Dasar Teori Organisasi

kesadaran berorganisasi tidak hanya dikenal di kalangan terpelajar dan akademisi saja, melainkan telah menjadi milik publik diberbagai kalangan. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari maraknya organisasi-organisasi masyarakat denganmemperlihatkan atribut yang bermacam-macam. Dalam keperluan itulah, buku Konsep Dasar Teori Organisasi ini sengaja penulis hadirkan untuk pembaca. Tujuan buku ini adalah sebagai panduan bagi setiap orang yang ingin mempelajari dan memperdalam ilmu pengetahuan.

Hal ini bisa dilihat dari maraknya organisasi-organisasi masyarakat denganmemperlihatkan atribut yang bermacam-macam. Dalam keperluan itulah, buku Konsep Dasar Teori Organisasi ini sengaja penulis hadirkan untuk pembaca.


Pengaturan metode, strategi, dan kelengkapan dalam pengajaran adalah bagian dari kegiatan manajemen pembelajaran yang harus dilakukan oleh guru. Untuk mewujudkan manajemen kelas di Sekolah Dasar, lingkungan fisik yang menguntungkan dan memenuhi syarat akan mendukung meningkatnya intensitas pembelajaran siswa dan mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap pencapaian tujuan pengajaran. Manajemen kelas di Sekolah Dasar tidak hanya pengaturan belajar, fasilitas fisik dan rutinitas, tetapi menyiapkan kondisi kelas dan lingkungan sekolah agar tercipta kenyamanan dan suasana belajar yang efektif. Oleh karena itu, sekolah dan kelas perlu dikelola secara baik, dan menciptakan iklim belajar yang menunjang. Buku ini bisa menjadi acuan sesama mahasiswa yang menempuh mata kuliah manajemen kelas untuk mempelajari konsep manajemen kelas secara teori dan melaksanakan praktiknya di dalam kelas.

Untuk mewujudkan manajemen kelas di Sekolah Dasar, lingkungan fisik yang menguntungkan dan memenuhi syarat akan mendukung meningkatnya intensitas pembelajaran siswa dan mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap pencapaian tujuan pengajaran.

Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization

Examine strategic management with the market-leading text that sets the standard for the most intellectually rich, yet thoroughly practical, analysis of strategic management today. Written by highly respected experts Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskisson, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: COMPETITIVENESS AND GLOBALIZATION, CONCEPTS AND CASES, Eleventh Edition, combines the latest cutting-edge research and strategic management trends with ideas from some of today's most prominent scholars. This is the only text that integrates the classic industrial organization model with a resource-based view of the firm to give you a complete understanding of how today's businesses use strategic management to establish a sustained competitive advantage. A strong global focus and examples from more than 600 emerging and leading companies place ideas into context within an inviting, practical presentation. A wealth of learning features and more than 30 all-new compelling cases examine a broad range of critical issues confronting managers today. Engaging video cases, CengageNOW online learning tools, and a complete electronic business library help keep your study current and relevant. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: COMPETITIVENESS AND GLOBALIZATION provides the solid understanding you need to effectively apply strategic management tools and techniques for increased performance and tomorrow's competitive advantage. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

This is the only text that integrates the classic industrial organization model with a resource-based view of the firm to give you a complete understanding of how today's businesses use strategic management to establish a sustained ...

Enterprise Risk Management

From Incentives to Controls

A fully revised second edition focused on the best practices of enterprise risk management Since the first edition of Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls was published a decade ago, much has changed in the worlds of business and finance. That's why James Lam has returned with a new edition of this essential guide. Written to reflect today's dynamic market conditions, the Second Edition of Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls clearly puts this discipline in perspective. Engaging and informative, it skillfully examines both the art as well as the science of effective enterprise risk management practices. Along the way, it addresses the key concepts, processes, and tools underlying risk management, and lays out clear strategies to manage what is often a highly complex issue. Offers in-depth insights, practical advice, and real-world case studies that explore the various aspects of ERM Based on risk management expert James Lam's thirty years of experience in this field Discusses how a company should strive for balance between risk and return Failure to properly manage risk continues to plague corporations around the world. Don't let it hurt your organization. Pick up the Second Edition of Enterprise Risk Management: From Incentives to Controls and learn how to meet the enterprise-wide risk management challenge head on, and succeed.

In this book, Mr. Lam explains how an over-reliance on quantitative risk measurement has directly contributed to some of the high-profile risk management failures of recent years.