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Daftar Kosakata Bahasa Arab dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Bahasa Indonesia mencerminkan keberagaman bangsa Indonesia. Bahasa negara kita itu ternyata diperkaya oleh kosakatakosakata bahasa daerah di Indonesia yang banyak jumlahnya. Berapa jumlah bahasa-bahasa daerah di Tanah Air? Menurut informasi dari Prof. Dr. Gufran Ali Ibrahim, M.S., Guru Besar Bidang Antropolinguistik Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki bahasa daerah terbanyak kedua di dunia, sebanyak 646 bahasa daerah/etnik (menurut Badan Bahasa) atau 720 bahasa daerah/etnik (menurut Summer Institute of Linguistics, SIL). Sementara itu, Papua Nugini adalah negara yang memiliki bahasa daerah terbanyak pertama di dunia, sebanyak 820 bahasa daerah/etnik.

Bahasa Indonesia mencerminkan keberagaman bangsa Indonesia.


The challenges in the business world never stop escalating as today’s customer are more difficult to satisfy, company’s products are easily copied, and technology is changing rapidly. Outsourcing is becoming more popular in today’s business as companies have limited resource to become the best in every business process. However, not all outsourcing are successful. The initial intention to save costs may result in increasing of costs if outsourcing activities are not extensively planned. The intention of this monograph is simple as the writers intend to introduce a good practice of relational-oriented exchange that will lead to better outsourcing performance. It is hope to address issues surrounding customer demand and market competition which is found to affect the relational-oriented exchange and outsourcing success.

The challenges in the business world never stop escalating as today’s customer are more difficult to satisfy, company’s products are easily copied, and technology is changing rapidly.

Ilmu Pancasila yuridis kenegaraan dan ilmu filsafat Pancasila

On Pancasila, the state philosophy of Indonesia.

On Pancasila, the state philosophy of Indonesia.