Sebanyak 71 item atau buku ditemukan

Baca Alqur'an Munawar

Politik bahasa dan pendidikan

Language learning and teaching Indonesian language; collected articles.

Akrab dengan Bahasa Inggris BAHASA INGGRIS sebenarnya ada di mana -
mana , hanya saja kita tidak akrab dengannya . Akrab adalah cerminan sikap
emosional kita terhadap suatu obyek sikap . Sikap terhadap bahasa Inggris
adalah ...

Etika & Konsep Manajemen Bisnis Islam

Naskah dengan judul Etika & Konsep Manajemen Bisnis Islam merupakan tema pokok yang mengkaji tentang bagaimana etika dalam menjalankan bisnis Islam serta konsep dan manajemen bisnis yang tidak keluar dari syariat Islam. Rasulullah SAW merupakan suri tauladan bagi kita dari segala aspek, dan diantaranya adalah aspek dalam berbisnis, sebagaimana beliau memberikan contoh yang konkret dalam sifat-sifat Rasulullah SAW tersebut, seperti: Shiddiq, Amanah, Tabligh dan Fathonah. Dengan kita mengimplementasikan sifat-sifat Rasulullah SAW tersebut dalam aspek berbisnis Insyaallah akan sejahtera, bahagia, sukses dan selamat dunia akhirat dalam menjalankan bisnis tersebut. Etika & Konsep Manajemen Bisnis Islam ini diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Deepublish dan tersedia juga dalam versi cetak*

Etika bisnis berupaya mencari cara untuk menyelaraskan dan menyerasikan
berbagai kepentingan dalam dunia bisnis. 2. Etika bisnis juga mempunyai peran
untuk senantiasa melakukan perubahan kesadaran bagi masyarakat tentang ...

Bunga Rampai; Pendidikan Anti Korupsi untuk Mahasiswa

Customer Loyalty

A Guide for Time Travelers

The authors argue that the best strategic approach for a company or organization is to regard customer loyalty as a continuing response to changes in society and that this perspective is often neglected in favour of shorter term considerations. They present a new approach that builds upon social and economic research to provide practical guidelines.

The authors argue that the best strategic approach for a company or organization is to regard customer loyalty as a continuing response to changes in society and that this perspective is often neglected in favour of shorter term ...

Measuring Customer Service Effectiveness

Good customer service may be seen as a crucial asset for most organisations. But how do you know that you are delivering good customer service both externally and internally and, more importantly, delivering it to meet and exceed your customers' expectations? Customer service is an intangible thing, it is perishable and it is personal, so measuring it can be complicated and less than straightforward. Help is at hand. Sarah Cook's down-to-earth guide provides the rationale behind measuring service effectiveness externally and internally and explains the measurement process, from preparation to managing the results. The book also includes an exploration of the various techniques open for measuring effectiveness and how to use them. Utilising her consultancy experiences the author has ensured that there is plenty of ready-to-use materials to enable you to start measuring your own organisation's service effectiveness straight away.

The book also includes an exploration of the various techniques open for measuring effectiveness and how to use them.